Recommend Eureka is a project of EC Admissions meant to encourage Alumni and other members of the Eureka College Family to make “Direct Recommendations” to worthy high school students that they visit the Eureka College campus. A “Direct Recommendation” is a person-to-person, face-to-face contact recommending that the student visit the EC campus to check out our excellent programs.
Statistics show that one of the most effective ways to get a prospective student to visit campus and ultimately to attend Eureka College, is simply by the “Direct Recommendation,” made more than once, by someone the prospective student trusts.
In today’s world, recruiting new students is the name of the game for small liberal arts colleges. And, recruiting can be actively participated in by everyone connected with a small college, including: alumni, students, faculty, staff, trustees, community members, and friends.
Please take a moment to share your Eureka College experience with a worthy high school student you know. Take a moment to complete the on-line questionnaire. Admissions will then contact the prospective student you recommend and arrange a campus visit.